आजका ताजा खवर हेर्नुहोस Top 10 News
आजका ताजा खवर हेर्नुहोस Top 10 News
Tiktok:- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSeMvTME4/
हाम्रो फेशबुकhttps://www.facebook.com/Greater-Nepal-TV-105544514848059/
With India, we now have to demand directly the territories of Greater Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Kumaon, Garhwal, Bihar, some parts of Uttar Pradesh, Dehradun and Himachal Pradesh up to the banks of the Sutlej river.
You have to keep an eye on each other
Now Kalapani Lipulek and Limpiyadhura alone are not enough for Nepalis. _______________________________
Friends, just like you share other videos, day and night, please share every video of Yash (Greater_Nepal_TV) who has been separated from his identity, self-esteem and the Sugauli Treaty, by sharing, commenting and subscribing to the channel. The issue of geography encroached by India on the territories and the territories of present day Nepal has been raised
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Director: Bibash_Budhathoki
Correspondent: Keshar Rawat
Collaborator: Sita Bohora
नोट:-यो भिडियोलाइ शेयर गरेर धेरै भन्दा धेरै नेपाली समक्ष पुर्याउन नभुल्नुहोला किनकी हामिले सुगौली सन्धिबाट नेपालले गुमाएका भुभागहरु फिर्ता गर्ने उद्वेश्यका साथ यो च्यानल सन्चालनमा ल्याएका हौँ
जय गोर्खा जय नेपाल जय ग्रेटर नेपाल
youtube link:-https://youtu.be/lmnxRsOTBOE