एलियन होने के वीडियो सबूत, एलियनो ने किया रिप्लाई | Top 5 alien evidence, Strongest Signs Of Aliens
In this video i will discuss about top 5 possible alien evidence in Hindi language. 2 of are video evidence like the STS-48 UFO Video and black planet size ufo pulling energy from the sun video in the year 2012. Also i will discuss about Strongest Signs Of Aliens & Alien Life like the giant wheels like structures on moon and the treads on earth (band of holes, peru). Apollo 15 photos available on Nasa's official archive, where you can see large wheel type structures on moon.In 1988 Phobos 1 and in 1989 Phobos 2 were mysteriously disappeared near mars. And Phobos took a photo of a cigar shaped UFO just near the Phobos before contact loss with earth mission control. Then mars curiosity rover also took photo of that same UFO over mars sky.Lastly i will discuss about the alien reply to 1974 Carl Sagan message on 2001 in form of crop circles.
In Short i will be discussing the below point.
in 1974 we sent message to aliens
in 1989 Phobos disappeared with a photo of UFO
in 1991 STS-48 UFO recorded over earth
in 2001 aliens replied to the message
in 2011 2016 curiosity rover took same UFO picture over Martian sky
in 2012 UFO pulling energy from the sun
OUR UNIVERSE IS TOO BIG. tribes of lakshadweep island and the tribes of amazon does not know about each others existence. They also can't travel the thousand miles distance. Not possible for their technology. Same way aliens exist.
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