कर्ज में डूबे टॉप 10 भारतीय स्टेट | 2021 | Top 10 Indian States With Highest Debt | AGK TOP10
10 Indian states immersed in maximum debt | Top 10 Indian States With Highest Debt Ridden | Debt-ridden Indian state | What is the GDP and Per capita of 10 big state of India | What is the total loan on 10 big states |
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Key Points Are Cover In This Video :-
1.10 Indian states which are most heavily in debt
2.What is GDP and Per capita of 10 debt-ridden state
3.What is the literacy of 10 Indian state
4.What is the area and population of ten Indian states
5.What is the most prosperous business of 10 states
6.Which state of India produces the most cereal products
Hello friends and welcome to another informative video. today we talk about those states which are immersed in debt and states which have high debt. those 10 States that have increased significantly more debt than last year . The main reason for the increase in debt is non-payment of loan on time due to financial crisis And the disaster that hit those states could be a big reason .The government of a country has not only the responsibility of managing the economy of that country, but all the states of the country also have equal responsibility to manage the different financial states. Because all the states together form the GDP of a country. Do you all know which are the states in India which are most in debt? If not then watch this video completely .AGKTOP10 gives both entertaining and educational videos. SUBSCRIBE & CLICK the