जो पानी Virat Kohli पीते हैं, जो Oscar awards में बंटा था, उसमें ज्यादा Hydrogen वाला मैटर क्या है?
Story Link – https://www.thelallantop.com/bherant/why-some-water-bottles-are-so-costly-does-it-have-more-hydrogen/
The prestigious Academy Awards ak Oscars were awarded last month in America. The water bottle placed in front of the nominees were the cause of attraction at the event. The cost of 600ml bottle was 37 dollars, that means approx 2700 INR. Why this water was so expensive? Reason is the added hydrogens in this water. That is why it’s called Hydrogen water. Hydrogen water contains added amount of hydrogen atom. This increases anti oxidents in the water.
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Produced By: The Lallantop
Edited By: Rakesh