दुनिया की TOP 10 आटोमोबाइल कम्पनी || TOP 10 Automobiles Companies in the World (2020)
About Video:-
The top 10 automobile companies in the world are increasingly focusing on investments on R&D to upgrade their manufacturing technology so that their cars offer better fuel efficiency on the road and enhance the driving experience for the passengers. The largest market in the Asia Pacific region for the top 10 automobile companies in the world in 2020 is China, followed closely by the other BRIC nations. The top car companies in the world are expected to develop new kinds of futuristic cars that will have the latest technology in terms of safety, comfort, mileage, and lower levels of carbon emission. Although the prices of raw materials and fuel have been on the rise, these market challenges are going to be overcome by the top 10 automobile companies in the world as the demand for passenger cars is likely to keep growing across the world, predominantly in the Asia Pacific region.
Queries Solved:-
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