भारत के 10 सबसे बड़े राज्य | Top10 Largest States In India | Hindi Video - Socio Kudi | Anshu
भारत के 10 सबसे बड़े राज्य | Top10 Largest States In India | Hindi Video - Socio Kudi | Anshu
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Top 10 Largest States in India – by Area (2011 Census) :
Rank Name of the State Area
1 Rajasthan 342,239 km2
Description :
Situated to the west of India on the border with Pakistan, this state is the largest by area in the whole country. It is home to several cultural highlights including the ruins that remain of the Civilization of the Indus Valley.
2 Madhya Pradesh 308,245 km2
Description :
The second largest state by area in India is located in the center of the country and it is renowned for its 10th century temples.
3 Maharashtra 307,713 km2
Description :
This state covering both western and central parts of the country contains one of India’s largest and most buzzing cities: Mumbai.
4 Uttar Pradesh 240,928 km2
Description :
In the north of India, this state is very popular with tourists as it is the state that contains the world famous Taj Mahal.
5 Gujarat 196,024 km2
Description :
This is the westernmost state in the whole country, and its famous business center is Ahmedabad.
6 Karnataka 191,791 km2
Description :
Karnataka is a gorgeous coastal state that borders on the Arabian sea. Many states in India have their own official bird or animal, and the official bird of this state is the Indian Roller.
7 Andhra Pradesh 162,968 km2
Description :
Another coastal state, this state is very popular with surfers and swimmers, particularly around the Bay of Bengal.
8 Odisha 155,707 km2
Description :
A sacred lake and plenty of historic temples make this state, located on the Bay of Bengal, amazingly rich in cultural heritage.
9 Chhattisgarh 135,191 km2
Description :
This state is very densely forested.
10 Tamil Nadu 130,058 km2
Description :
Tamil Nadu The state lies in the southern region of India and the state economy is dependent on agriculture, IT industry, Manufacturing industry, Automobile Industry and Textile Industry. The capital of Tamil Nadu is Chennai which is known for many things.