▶️ Initial Thoughts On The EOS Voice Application | EP#268
I’d like to give my initial thoughts on the new EOS Voice application. Though I am not able to access the beta yet in Canada, I’ve gathered as much information as possible and would like to share it with you now.
I’ve broken it up into categories with various bits of information I pulled that I felt were noteworthy.
• It is only available on a browser currently but is in testing for its mobile dapp.
• You cannot edit posts after posting which I really don’t like for a blog platform.
• You can upload GIFs, PNGs, or JPEGs with a 10mb limit.
• You can embed videos from YouTube and embed code snippets.
• You write in a blog-style format similar to Medium or Minds
• The amount of Voice tokens you need to become the top Voice is decided by an algorithm
• Promotion model for boosting posts works really well. You pay to pin your post and if someone wants to take your spot they have to pay a bit more and you get all of your tokens back plus a little bit of the extra they paid for taking your spot plus the free advertising you got. – Voicing something is how you promote it. The person who Voices the post will also be listed with a link back to their profile so as a Voicer you will still get some promotion for yourself as well.
• In an example where you create a brand new post and then Voice it, you might spend something like 1 token, then if someone else Voices your post for you, you will get back something like 1.2 tokens as you always earn a little more given they Voice it within 24 hours of the previous person who Voiced it.
• They check your other social media accounts and require your ID
• Records of changes to entries with timestamps, verification preventing manipulation via bots, etc., and auditable database.
Potential Issues
• You can’t buy their tokens until it exits beta. Here’s the problem for me. Steemit was in beta for 4 years right up until it was sold.
• Block One could get tied up in legal issues trying to adhere to all the legalities of every country
• Ground rules: https://voice.com/legal/ground-rules/
• Their rules are fairly similar to legacy platforms – not as motivated by traditional blockchain values
• Not censorship-free – moderators decide at the end of the day – you don’t know what was removed when it is removed, but you will know that something was removed. Will moderation be scalable?
• Censorship resistance and immutability are not its goals.
• Tokens may be reset at the end of the beta
• You earn tokens from signing up, “being an active user,” and for signing in each day.
• The token for Voice will have a 10% inflation to support its development and operation
• You get 3000 tokens for signing up
• When others like your post, you earn Voice Tokens and your post gains visibility
Let me know what you think about this in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!