【ジャパンレッド】吹屋ベンガラの街並み : Fukiya Japan Red Village(Okayama, Japan)
【Fukiya Furusato Village】
Once this town was a prosperous town thanks to the copper mine. It was famous as a major producer of bright red "Bengala" pigments made from iron oxide. The red town of Bengala plaster walls has been selected as an important preservation district of historic buildings area.
00:00 タイトル(Title)
00:13 ベンガラの街並み(Bengala Street)
04:16 本山山神社(Motoyamasan Shrine)
04:55 ベンガラの街並み(Bengala Street)
05:59 旧片山家住宅(Old Katayama House)
08:28 広兼邸(Hirokane Residence)
10:54 笹畝坑道(Sasaune mine tunnel)
12:48 ベンガラの街並み(Bengala Street)