【笔顺规则】Chinese Stroke Order Rules (Top 10) 汉字笔顺十大基本规则|How to Write Chinese Character 学写字 学笔顺 教中文笔画
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Top 10 Rules of Chinese Character Stroke Order 汉字笔顺十大规则汇总
1. First horizontal and then vertical. 1、先横后竖。
Example word: ten. 例字:十,shí。
2. Left-falling stroke first and then right-falling stroke. 2、先撇后捺。
Example word: people. 例字:人,rén。
3. From top to bottom. 3、从上到下。
Example word: three. 例字:三,sān。
4. From left to right. 4、从左到右。
Example word: river. 例字:河,hé。
5. First outside and then inside. 5、先外后里。
Example word: moon. 例字:月,yuè。
6. Outside, inside and then sealing. 6、先外后里再封口。
Example word: back. 例字:回,huí。
7. When the middle part is higher, first the middle and then left and right. 7、当中间部分较高时,先中间后左右。
Example word: small. 例字:小,xiǎo。(反例:左中右大小相等的字“做”——遵循从左到右的笔顺) 。
8. Words with dots 8、带点的字
8.1 If the dot is at the top or top left, write the dot first. 8.1 点在正上或左上,先写点。
Example words: clothes, doors. 例字:衣,yī。门,mén。
8.2 If the dot is on the top right or in the middle of the word, write the dot last. 8.2 点在右上或在字的中间,后写点。
Example words: dog, spoon. 例字:犬,quǎn。勺,sháo。
9. Two-sided surrounding structure 9、两面包围结构
9.1 The upper right and upper left surrounding structure, first outside and then inside. 9.1 右上和左上包围结构,先外后里。
Example words: sentence, celebration. 例字:句,jù。庆,qìng。
9.2 The lower left surrounding structure, first inside and then outside. 9.2 左下包围结构,先里后外。
Example word: far. 例字:远,yuǎn。
10. Three-sided surrounding structure 10、三面包围结构
10.1 If the gap faces upwards, inside first and then outside. 10.1 缺口朝上,先里后外。
Example word: fierce. 例字:凶,xiōng。
10.2 If the gap faces downwards, first outside and then inside. 10.2 缺口朝下,先外后里。
Example words: the same. 例字:同,tóng。
10.3 If the gap faces to the right, first up, then inside and then down left. 10.3 缺口朝右,先上后里再左下。
Example word: district. 例字:区,qū。