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【談股藺經】藺常念 2020-10-07 特朗普改變主意 繼續談救市計劃 港股反彈

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星期三港股開市微升,港股窄幅上落。恆生指數升19點,國企指數跌2點。友邦保險升0.82%,令指數升20點。阿里巴巴升1.36%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升17點。騰訊升0.47%,令指數升11點。內地金融股下跌,平保跌0.87%,令指數跌11點。建設銀行跌0.6%,令指數跌9點。中國銀行跌1.26%,為跌幅最大藍籌股,令指數跌6點。開市後港股由升轉跌,金融股領跌。平保,建行,友邦,中國銀行等拖累大市下跌。友邦保險升轉跌0.7%,拖累指數跌17點。小米跌1.2%,拖累指數跌15點。恆生指數跌至23905點,跌75點。港股低位有支持,科技股領導大市反彈。美國總統特朗普表示可以繼續談判救市計劃,刺激港股上升。阿里巴巴的淘寶銷售理想,股價升2.57%,令指數升32點。騰訊升1.52%,令指數升38點;美團點評升1.7%。滙豐升1. 3%,令指數升25點。友邦升1.2%,令指數升30點。TCL電子獲大股東增持,股價升6%。恆生指數由跌轉升,恆生指數升2百多點,重上24000點。最高升至24187點,升207點。上午收市前回軟,收市恆生指數升111點,國企指數升32點,成交510億元。


Trump reversed his stance and changed his mind on relief package. Hong Kong stocks rose on the news.

The Hong Kong market opened slightly higher on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened up 19 points and H share index down 2 points. AIA rose 0.82% for 20 point gain. Alibaba rose 1.36% to lead the blue chips and accounted for 17 point gain. Tencent r ose 0.47% for 11 point gain. Mainland financials fell. Ping An lost 0.87% for 11 point loss. CCB lost 0.6%S for 9 point loss. BOC lost 1.26% to become the top loser at opening and caused 6 point loss. The market turned from gain to loss after opening. Financials led the fall. Ping An, CCB, AIA and BOC led the fall. AIA lost 0.7% for 17 point fall. Xiaomi lost 1.2% for 15 point loss. Hang Seng index fell to 23905 points, down 75 points. Then Trump indicated his willingness to try to get the relief package down. Global markets rebounded. The Hong Kong market rebounded on the strength of technology stocks. Alibaba reported strong sales. Share price rose 2.57% for 32 point gain. Tencent rose 1.52% for 38 point gain. Meituan rose 1.7%. HSBC rose 1.3% for 25 point gain. AIA rose 1.2% for 30 point gain. TCL Electronic rose 6% as controlling shareholder increased holding. Hang Seng index rose more than 200 points and reached a high of 24187 points, up 207 points. However, the market fell back before morning’s close. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 111 points. H share index closed up 32 points. Turnover was $51 billion.

The market was little changed in early afternoon. Hang Seng index gained more than 100 points. Technology and finance stocks led the rally. Tencent rose 0.95% for 23 point gain. AIA rose 0.7% for 17 point gain. HSBC rose 0.97% for 17 point gain. Sunny Optical rose 4.5% to lead the gainers and contributed 10 point gain. AAC rose 3.56%. Idreamsky issued convertible bond. Share price crashed 18%. Sunart Retail crashed 11%, as broker downgraded its rating. HKTV’s September sales fell 10%. Share price fell 4.5%. Biotech stocks which rose sharply on Tuesday retreated on Wednesday. Kintor Pharma lost 6.3%. Innovent lost 2.7%. Beigene lost 2.7%. Cansino lost 2.3%. The market soared in midafternoon, as Hang Seng index rose more than 200 points. Alibaba rose 3% for 37 point gain. Tencent rose 1.33% for 33 point gain. Hang Seng index reached a high of 24244 points, up 264 points, and closed up 262 points. H share index closed up 92 points. Turnover was $92.1 billion.

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