확실하다고 했지만 역사상 실패했던 대표적 예언 Top 10
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미래를 내다보는 능력이 있다는 이러한 사람들의 주장을
당장 반박하기는 쉽지 않다.
예언에서 언급된 그 시기가 도래해야 사실인지 아닌지 알 수 있을 뿐이다.
그렇다면 역대 수많은 예언들 중 실패했던 대표적인 예언들은 어떤 게 있을까?
* 자료출처
University of Virginia
Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S33882 / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE - Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S33882 / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE
Rob Boudon - Flickr: New Years Eve 1999-2000 - Times Square
Yanagi774 - Aum-yokohamasibu
Boulanger (Graveur) - Nostradamus, Michel de Nostre Dame dit (1503-1567) CIPB1063
吉川 祐介 - サティアン
吉川 祐介 - サティアン②
Geoff Stearns - Geoff Stearns
thierry ehrmann - Shōkō Asahara, painted portrait P1040649
Philafrenzy - Grave of John Bateman, St Mary de Crypt Church, Gloucester
Stanley Walker - High Court, Leeds - geograph.org.uk - 1507157
Phoenix7777 - Animation of 1P/Halley orbit - 2061 apparition
MBisanz - Maya Calendar by Matthew Bisanz
Daniel Schwen - Chichen Itza 2
Bowditch, Charles P. (Charles Pickering) - The numeration, calendar systems and astronomical knowledge of the Mayas (1910) (14760437586)
Gesellschaft für Kieler Stadtgeschichte / Magnussen, Friedrich (1914-1987) - Neue Computeranlage zur Berechnung von Gehältern, Löhnen und Wehrsolde, sowie zur Materialbuchhaltung des Marinearsenals.
SRI International - SRI Bill English Mar 16 1970
Bug de l'an 2000 - An electronic sign at École centrale de Nantes incorrectly displaying the year 1900 on 3 January 2000
Runxctry - Juno Internet Service Provider CD labeling Y2K-compliance
Camerafiend - Toronto ON 2003 Blackout
Terinea IT Support - KVM Switch - Y2K (524668420)
Thayne Tuason - Gun section in Stans Merry Mart Wenatchee
John Swindells - millenium bug ru y2k ok
Wellcome Images - Joanna Southcott the prophetess exposing herself to three ph Wellcome V0011047
John Fairburn - Selbstgefertigter Scan eines Kupferstiches aus eigenem Bildarchiv
Internet Archive Book Images - Old and new London - a narrative of its history, its people, and its places (1873) (14591889438)
Internet Archive Book Images - Gleanings from old Shaker journals, compiled by Clara Endicott Sears (1916) (14597303747)
Madereugeneandrew - William Miller National Historic Landmar
Daniells, Arthur Grosvenor, 1858- [from old catalog] - A world in perplexity (1918) (14803335463)