1 Year of Game Development Progress: Boss Fight Test
What's going on people, I'm back from the Shadow Realm.
It's been about a year since I started full time work on this project (there was already a bit of work done before I went full time, but it wasn't much, let's say about 1 month worth total).
Despite being a one man team, the game is almost 50% done. I'm aiming to release it early next year, and hopefully get it funded later this year when I'm almost finished.
I can't show you TOO much yet as to not spoil the release, but today a few friends showcase a boss fight by play-testing it, so that you can see the core gameplay. This is one of the easier, simpler bosses.
The title is DOTD (I'll tell you what it stands for later) and it's a skill-heavy action RPG.
As always, what you see is not final and is subject to change/improvement.