10 Book That Will Change Your life || Top 10 books To become Successful
10 Best Success Books You Need to Read to Be Great at Business
1:How to win friends and influnace peoples
2:Focal Point
3:Purple Cow
4:The Magic of Thinking Big
5:The 4-Hour Work Week
6:Think and Grow Rich
7:The Monk and the Riddle
8:The New One Minute Manager
9:Rich Dad Poor Dad
10:Man’s Search for Meaning
The story Randy Komisar shares in the Monk and the Riddle offers advice about not just about how you need to think when starting a new business, but also about how to build a life you’re passionate about.
Understanding the technical aspects of launching a start-up is great, but if you don’t have the staying power to stick with it when the going gets tough then it’s not likely to work.
This book can help you understand this lesson before you spend blood, sweat and tears on a project that you’re heart isn’t into.