10 EPIC Super Bowl Commercials 2020
TOP 10 EPIC LIST Super Bowl Commercials 2020
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NFL Super Bowl 2020 Best Commercials. Most Funniest ads collection from Big Game 2.2.20 Halftime.
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The Super Bowl is more than just a sporting event. Super Bowl average of 114.4 million viewers was the most watched broadcast in US history, breaking the record set at…the previous Super Bowl–broadcasters are able to keep hiking up the price for air space.
30-second spot during this year’s Super Bowl will cost marketers a whopping $5 million. That’s up from $4.5 million a year ago, and it’s a 66.6 percent increase from what the price was just five years ago. That estimate doesn’t even account for larger viewing groups at private parties, or bars.
For some advertisers, $5 million for that many eyeballs is a price worth paying.
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