10 Famous Women in Astrophysics
A study in 2014 found that 25% of people couldn't name a single female scientist. So here are 10 historically famous women in astrophysics (my own field!), plus a whole load more physicists and those working in the field today.
TrueSciPhi's list of women astrophysicists on Twitter: https://truesciphi.org/ast_wom.html
All astrophysicists on Twitter: https://truesciphi.org/ast.html
Leavitt (1912) - http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1912HarCi.173....1L
Cecilia Payne’s thesis: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/link_gateway/1925PhDT.........1P/ADS_PDF
Russell (1929) - http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1929ApJ....70...11R
Hewish, Bell et al. (1968) - https://www.nature.com/articles/217709a0.pdf