10 Fastest Marvel Superheroes Ranked
Who is The Fastest Marvel Superhero?
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When you think of a superhero the first quality that pops into your head is probably heroism. Their courage to do what’s right and save people from the forces of evil. But what allows them to do that? What makes superheroes super?
Well, there are lots of qualities you could point to, like super-strength or super-smarts or super-amounts of money. But today, we want to talk about super-speed. From Spider-man to Quicksilver there are countless Marvel heroes who can run, jump, fly or even teleport really fast and we know sorting through them on your own is not an easy task. So, today, we’ve done the hard work for you! We’ll be counting down the ten fastest heroes in the history of Marvel and going into detail about what it is that makes them so fast.