10 Fastest Star Wars Ships | Atmospheric Speed Comparison Of Star Wars Starships
Sublight, also called subwarp, space-normal speed, or sub-warp speed, was a term that referred to anything below c, the speed of light, whose value is exactly 299,792,458 meters per second. Sublight was usually used to describe non-warp speeds, typically when either an impulse drive or thrusters would be used as propulsion for a vessel. While both hyperdrive and sublight speeds are taken into account, the ranking is based on sublight speeds (atmospheric speed).
In terms of hyperdrive speed, any ship with a Class 1 hyperdrive is extremely fast when going past lightspeed. For an example, a standard Star Destroyer with a Class 2 hyperdrive will travel slower in hyperspace than a T65B X-Wing Fighter with a Class 1 hyperdrive. Perhaps the fastest ship in the galaxy was the Millenium Falcon - after all, it did make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs! (Keep in mind, a parsec is actually a unit of distance, but in Star Wars, it's apparently a measure of time). Furthermore, this bonked-up beast had a Class 0.5 hyperdrive, which I'm pretty sure is the best one can get.
In terms of sublight speeds, the V-Wing fighter could achieve up to an astonishing 32,311 mph and the Millenium Falcon 652 mph. So the former beats the latter easily.