10 Folding Knives for the Rest of My Life? - The Top 10 Knives I Couldn't Live Without
Hinderer XM-18 3.5" - https://dlt.link/3dH1xVG
Spyderco Shaman - https://shrsl.com/2j8x2
Microtech Combat Troodon - https://dlt.link/2GgiCel
Cold Steel SR1 - https://shrsl.com/2j8x6
Reate Epoch - https://shrsl.com/2j8x8
Protech SNG Auto - https://dlt.link/3gGCe8A
Spyderco Para 3 - https://shrsl.com/2j8xk
ZT 0562 - https://dlt.link/32O1aVH
Cold Steel American Lawman - https://dlt.link/3im84Hm
Medford Praetorian knives - https://dlt.link/3jqfSJG
Shop BladeHQ - https://shrsl.com/28zd2
Shop DLT Trading - https://dlt.link/2VmYv2A
Shop GPKnives - https://shrsl.com/26cwo
My Amazon store! - Knives & gear! - https://www.amazon.com/shop/metalcomplex
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Wiha 1/4" Torx Bit Selector - https://amzn.to/34FMk38
Scout Leather Co. bit driver - https://shrsl.com/2hraj
Wiha Stubby 1/4" bit driver - https://amzn.to/2NmjMFK
Lumintop FW3A - https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FLumintop-FW3A-ALL-COLORS-CREE-XP-L-HI-CW-NW-2800-LUMENS-USA-DIRECT%2F113911339913%3Fepid%3D13035063234%26_trkparms%3Dispr%253D1%26hash%3Ditem1a85a51b89%3Ag%3A5YYAAOSwBqVdlaNT&campid=5338621621&toolid=10001&customid=
Emisar D4V2 - http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575551952&toolid=10001&campid=5338621621&customid=&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fm.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FEMISAR-D4V2-QUAD-CREE-XP-L-HI-4300-LM-ULTRA-BRIGHT-EDC-7-COLORS-USA-DIRECT%2F164039117416%3F_trkparms%3Dispr%3D1%26_mwBanner%3D1%26_rdt%3D1
Rechargable 18650 Batteries - https://amzn.to/2DixXsM
Charger - https://amzn.to/30YcgXp
Knife Engineering Book by Dr. Larrin Thomas (Knife Steel Nerds) - https://amzn.to/2EYW80Z
Want to purchase some of my most recommended EDC folding knives and gear? Use these links!
-SPYDERCO- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cx8a
Spyderco Shaman - https://shrsl.com/2cx8d
Spyderco Para 3 - https://shrsl.com/2cx8p
Spyderco PM2 - https://shrsl.com/2cx9j
Spyderco Manix 2 - https://shrsl.com/2cx9k
Spyderco Kapara - https://shrsl.com/2cx8e
Spyderco Tenacious - https://shrsl.com/2cxe3
-BENCHMADE- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cx9p
Benchmade Bugout and Mini Bugout - https://shrsl.com/2cx9m
Benchmade Freek and Super Freek models - https://shrsl.com/2cx9q
Benchmade Griptilian LARGE - https://shrsl.com/2cxa6
Benchmade Griptilian SMALL S30V - https://shrsl.com/2cxae
Benchmade 940 - https://shrsl.com/2cxaj
Benchmade Crooked River large and small - https://shrsl.com/2cxan
-ZERO TOLERANCE- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cxaq
ZT 0562 - https://shrsl.com/2cxau
-HINDERER KNIVES- (Shop ALL) - https://dlt.link/389hpz5
Hinderer XM-18 3.5" - https://dlt.link/3dH1xVG
Hinderer XM-18 3" - https://dlt.link/38enR7G
Hinderer parts and accessories - https://dlt.link/31scasT
-PROTECH KNIVES- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cxbq
ProTech TR-3 - https://shrsl.com/2cxbv
ProTech SNG - https://shrsl.com/2cxcj
-CIVIVI KNIVES- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cxdb
Civivi Praxis - https://shrsl.com/2cxdf
Civivi Elementum - https://shrsl.com/2cxdj
-COLD STEEL- (Shop ALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cxcy
Cold Steel American Lawman - https://shrsl.com/2cxd2
Cold Steel AD-10 - https://shrsl.com/2cxd5
Cold Steel Code 4 - https://shrsl.com/2cxd7
Cold Steel Tufflite - https://shrsl.com/2cxek
Ontario Rat 1 (LARGE) - https://shrsl.com/2cxdn
Ontario Rat 2 (SMALL) - https://shrsl.com/2cxdo
CJRB Feldspar - https://shrsl.com/2cxdy
CJRB Centros - https://shrsl.com/2cxe0
242 Blue Loctite - https://amzn.to/31dxtwe
10 weight Nano-Oil - https://amzn.to/2oXX3GS