10 Foods You Should Never Eat When You're Sick
List of top 10 foods you should avoid when you're sick. We know some foods are really bad for our health when you are sick. These are 10 foods dietitians say you should avoid when you're sick.
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The season is upon us. While that holiday feeling is starting to buzz in the air, there is something else coming in. The flu! We all have our own ways of trying to beat the flu season, but sometimes it catches up with us anyway and takes us down. When that happens, it's tempting to eat all our favorite foods in order to comfort us but this is a bad idea. In order to beat the flu and get back to normal, there are 10 Foods and Drinks To Avoid When You're Sick, and here they are.
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0:35 Citrus And Other Fruits
1:51 Canned Soup
3:17 Coffee
4:43 Alcohol Is A Big No-No
5:58 Fast-Food
7:41 Sweet Treats
9:07 Anything Dairy
10:20 No Toast
11:46 Seafood
12:49 All Things Spice
- If you are feeling nauseous or have a stomach flu, then avoid citrus fruits until you are feeling a bit better as the acid will not only make things worse, it will probably come back up on you and result in added problems like a sore throat.
- Canned soup, as well as a lot of canned foods, are very high in sodium and salt.
- Drinks that are high in caffeine, such as coffee, tea, most sodas, and energy drinks, make the body lose fluids, which is not a good thing when you are under the weather.
- Too much alcohol when you're ill will interfere with the body's natural immune system and could cause your kidneys to stop doing their job properly, which is to filter liquid waste from your body.
- While fast food, in general, is to be avoided when you are sick, there is one tasty dish that is worse than them all and that's pizza.
- Many artificial sweeteners can have a bad effect on a sick body too and trigger headaches and migraines.
- Full-fat dairy is a big food group to avoid when you are sick. Whole milk, in particular, is bad for congestion as it can thicken existing mucus which can lead to the nasty bugs and viruses sticking around in your body longer.
- While plain toast can help with digestion and other stomach issues we might have, there are unfortunately some downsides to eating this classic snack when we are taken by the flu.
- Pretty much all fish and shellfish contain compounds that can trigger the release of histamine in the body, which will make congestion and stuffiness much worse.
- If your issue is a little more south, then it's best to avoid spice altogether as it can make your stomach problems so much worse.
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