10 Indicators For When The Stock Market Is GOING DOWN
LIVE TRADING CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/TheStockMarket
The stock market just closed its worst quarter since March 2020 and traders are getting ready for the stock market in October. With so many events and risks on the table and after watching the stock market go down this week, I thought it would be good to go over my top 10 indicators for when the stock market is going down. These apply in almost any volatility and usually can even be used on the reverse for spotting when to buy stocks after a decline. None of these are sure things but just indicators to give you an idea of how the economy is doing and how investor sentiment is holding up. There is a lot more I am sure I missed but I think these 10 indicators are a great place to start and if you don't learn something new about the stock market afterwards, I would be surprised. Post some of your favorite indicators in the comments!
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How to pick stocks for your long term portfolio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VzDJ6CsDe0
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DISCLAIMER: These videos are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial advisor before making any financial decisions.