10 MONSTER CORN PLANTERS 120 to 60ft Wide
In this video Big Tractor Power takes a look at 10 monster corn planters from 120 to 60 ft wide. Watch for planters from 54 rows to 24 rows in this video built by John Deere, Case IH, AGCO and Kinze.
01. John Deere DB120 48 Row 30" Corn Planter 120 ft
02. John Deere DB90 54 Row 20" Corn Planter 90ft
03. FENDT Momentum 48 48/24 Row 15/30" Corn Planter
04. Case IH 24 Row 30" Corn Planter 60ft
05. John Deere DB60 36 Row 20" Corn Planter 60ft
06. KINZE 36 Row 20" Corn Planter 60ft
07. WHITE 9936-20 36 Row 20" Corn Planter 60ft
08. YieldTrac Case IH 24 Row 30" Corn Planter 60ft
09. John Deere DB90 36 Row 30" Corn Planter 90ft
10. John Deere DB60 47/24 Row 15/30" Corn Planter 60ft
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