10 Most Expensive Things Bought For The Kardashian Kids
10 Most Expensive Things Bought For The Kardashian Kids
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Number 10: Chicago’s Music Box
Did you ever have a music box growing up? It could have been a simple one where you open it and either a classical tune is plunked out on mechanical keys or maybe a plastic ballerina twirls in place. These music boxes likely came from a big box store and quite possibly from grandma. Well in the case of Chicago West, grandma was not going to buy one simply from Walmart or Target. Matriarch Kris Jenner handed over the plastic card and forked out $3,350 for a Louis Vuitton music box for her 2 year old granddaughter. A costly way to store jewelry she many not yet have but likely will as she gets older.
Number 9: True’s Birthday Balloons
Need balloons for a birthday party? Dollar stores and box stores like Walmart and Target have sections solely dedicated to the celebration of birth. You can even get helium balloons with characters from cartoons or as a big number/letter to celebrate the day. For her little girl’s birthday, Khloe bypassed the latex colours that could be picked up at any store for a buck or two. She went above and beyond, going for balloons that cost between $8,500 - $10,000. This does not include any other decorations from her birthday or the food and gifts provided on top of it. Here is hoping that those balloons were around longer than most to get her money's worth.
Number 8: Stormi’s Fendi Stroller
One usually needs to wait until they are 16 to ride around in style when it comes to a vehicle with a set of wheels. Stormi Webster, Kylie Jenner’s little one, was able to travel around town in style months after being born when her business mogel mama bought the Fendi Stroller for $12,500. The high fashion set of wheels allowed one of the youngest Kardashian kids to roll down the sidewalk and enjoy the sunshine on those warm days with whomever wanted to take her out and about.
Number 7: Room for Penelope
As we grow up, our tastes change and that includes the style we like for our bedrooms. The changes could take place when a major transition happens like the summer, before high school or even younger when you want to go from baby animals to race cars, dolls and everything in between. Sometimes though the change is needed when one sibling gets an upgrade and the other wants one too. After redoing eldest child Mason’s room, Kourtney and then partner Scott found that their daughter Penelope wanted an upgrade on her bedroom as well. Apply some paint, a new bedspread and $20,000 later the room for Penelope is fit for a princess.
Number 6: Stormi Shoe Collection
Sandles. Runners. High heels. Wedges. A different shoe for a different occasion. We all enjoy variety and some of us enjoy the idea of matching what is on our feet to what we wear. This usually happens as we get older. However, Miss Stormi she had a full size collection before she turned a year old. Kylie being a model and having had a fashion line made sure that her little one was able to be carried around in public with the nicest shoes possible. These were no ordinary shoes from Payless or Walmart. The shoes in her closet were from Fendi, Giuseppe Zantti, Louis Vuitton and Gucci. With shoes with those types of fashion tags, the shoes are sure to have an approximate worth of $22,000.
Number 5: North’s Diamond Earrings
They do say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. For North’s first birthday, she was graced with the gift of star diamond studded earrings by family friend Lorraine Schwartz. The $50,000 price tag was no problem as Lorraine had helped bling out Kim and Kanye when they got married. The earrings are approximately half a karat each. Not a bad start for the jewelry you can bet she will get as she gets older.
Number 4: Stormi’s World
We have heard of films like Wayne’s World or television shows like Bobby’s World. In this case Stormi’s World is neither set for film or television. It was the setting for Kylie’s daughter’s second birthday. Costing the cosmetic businesswoman close to $100,000, Stormi’s second birthday had everything a little amusement park could want. The front entrance was like a carnival where you enter through a giant head – this one being an enlarged version of Stormi’s. There was a mascot, merchandise and treats