10 MYTHICAL Creatures That Turned Out To Be REAL!
10 MYTHICAL Creatures That Turned Out To Be REAL!
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Mythical Creatures That Turned Out to be Real
You’ve got to appreciate the internet. Nowadays, if you need to find more information about something,
chances are somebody has already uploaded it somewhere. Can you imagine how hard it was to get
valuable information just a few decades ago? So much so that certain animals existing at that time
weren’t readily known to the rest of the world and would be considered cryptids or mythological
animals, despite locals knowing about their existence for hundreds of years. Today, we will be talking
about a few animals that we all thought were mythical but turned out to be real. Ending this list with the
Kraken is so predictable, I figured I’d start this list off with him. Want to find out what number one is?
You’d better stay tuned.
The Kraken
Usually, lists like these would end with the Kraken; the legendary sea monster that was reported to sink
whole ships when it wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. But honestly, almost all of us know what
animal sparked the legend of the kraken; the giant squid.
The giant squid is the largest invertebrate in the world. But despite that, we know next to nothing about
it. The largest of these elusive giants ever found measured 59 feet in length and weighed nearly a ton.
We know so little about these giant creatures because they prefer non-contact with humans, perfectly
content in staying the in the deep ocean where they are known to reside. They do, however, venture
into shallower waters every now and then, which might be the basis of ancient sailors‘ tales about the
kraken, but almost everything scientists know about them is from carcasses that have washed up on
beaches or been hauled in by fishermen.
Giant squid, along with their cousin, the colossal squid, have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom,
measuring some 10 inches in diameter. These massive organs allow them to detect objects in the
lightless depths where most other animals would see nothing.
Like other squid species, they have eight arms and two longer feeding tentacles that help them bring
food to their beak-like mouths. Their diet likely consists of fish, shrimp, and other squid, and some
suggest they might even attack and eat small whales.
The Duck Billed Platypus
The duck billed platypus is one of those animal oddities that if you didn’t see it yourself, you probably
didn’t believe it was real, at least, during the pre-internet age when people like PT Barnum regularly
faked unbelievable animals to make you part with your hard earned money. In fact, the platypus looked
so weird that, at that time, a few preserved specimens actually did rounds in the carnival and freak show
The platypus is only found in eastern Australia in small rivers and streams within the states of
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. To locals, they are common animals that didn’t
deserve a second look. To European settlers though, to say that it was a curiosity was a gross
understatement. They have a paddle-shaped tail like a beaver; a sleek, furry body like an otter; and a flat
bill and webbed feet like a duck. When descriptions, drawings and even live specimens of platypus were
first taken back to Europe for study by British scientists many believed the animal was a hoax, a beaver's
body sewn together with a duck's bill as some sort of joke.
During the time of its initial discovery, the scientific world was moving through a new, exciting age of
discovery and debate. Biologists in Europe were close to developing a classification system for animals,
and theories on how those animals came to be were brewing. The platypus, with its flexible beak and
venomous spurs, was a crowbar in the gear-work of known science, causing debates that would not be
resolved for 90 years.
Aside from looking like a taxidermist’s idea of a prank, the platypus is truly a remarkable animal.
Platypuses are among the few venomous mammals. Males have a spur on the back of their hind feet
that is connected to a venom-secreting gland. More venom is secreted during mating season, leading
researchers to think that the spurs and venom help males compete for mates, according to the
Australian Platypus Conservatory. The venom is not life threatening to humans, but it can cause severe