10 Smart School Supply Hacks! Get Ready To Go Back To School With These Craft Ideas
It’s never too early to get ready to go back to school! Take a look at our smart school supply hacks for how to redesign your notebook cover or make a pencil case out of a plastic bottle. Also, learn cool ways to sneak food into class so you’ll never feel hungry! All of these DIY school supply craft ideas and more hacks are ready for you!
00:00 Chocolate Lipstick
00:58 Diamond Notebook Cover
02:45 Bottle Cheating Paper
03:14 Oreo Pencil Case
04:25 Notebook Nail File
05:34 Bottle Pencil Case
06:47 Pencil Shaving Container
07:33 Fishnet Shoe
08:38 String Cheat Sheet
09:44 Clothes Folding Hacs
Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
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#SchoolSupplies #BackToSchool #SchoolHacks