10 Strangest Borders In The World
10 Strangest Borders In The World
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A border is the dividing line between two places. Sometimes borders are physical like a river, a mountain, or a wall. Sometimes borders are theoretical, like a line agreed upon between two countries and drawn on a map. And sometimes Borders is a giant bookstore that’s trying to compete with Barnes & Nobles but goes out of business in the 2010s. Whatever the case may be, the only constant with borders is that they are all unique and the longer they’ve been around the crazier they get. Wars, treaties, redrawn maps, and land sales cause the border lines to move. But the towns that are built there and the people that live in them aren’t too keen on moving with them. Oh and you can move your finger to the notification bell and subscribe to this channel so that you never miss a video. So if you want to see the weirdest of the weird, take the advice of the great philosophic institution known as Taco Bell and “Run for the border”. These are the 10 strangest borders in the world!
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