10 Things You Must Know About Area 51
Top Secret, Aliens, U-2 Project, What is Area 51 mysteriously hiding ? These are 10 Things You Must Know About Area 51
10. Location
9. The Camo Dude
8. More Security
7. U-2 Program
6. Stealth Developments
5. Project Blue Book
4. Flying Saucers
Could Area 51 really be a base where all crashed UFO’s are transported to and researched on could this is the secret they’ve been keeping from us? Could they have gotten stealth technology and made such huge advancements from studying crashed alien technology? You might certainly be familiar with the Roswell crash that the government claimed to be a weather balloon that suspended a disc. But who knows. If it was only a weather balloon, why would it receive so much attention for the FBI. Others claim that it wasn’t just debris from a spacecraft taken back to Area 51 but also some of the bodies as well of grey aliens. This is with most well-known case of the US possible recovering a UFO spacecraft. Think of how many they could possibly have that we have no idea about. Thi s photo was captured while someone was driving in the western Arizona desert and it appeared to be heavily guarded with escorts. The woman captured the photo claims it appeared to be heading in the direction of Nevada.
3. Reverse Engineering
During the Vietnam war, the air force admits to taking crashed Soviet technology to Area 51 and trying to figure out the mechanics of some of their fighter planes. So not only do they possibly have alien aircraft out there but also enemy secret aircraft. This was confirmed when a 3 star Air Force general, named Robert Bond crashed a soviet MiG-23 at Groom Lake i n 1984 that the US had made experimental advancements too. So if they can reverse engineer Russian aircraft, could they do it with alien aircraft. Here in this photo we see the Avrocar, that you can tell has a disc like shape to it. It was a top secret project experimented at this base. Some believe that this is a training vehicle for another much more advanced flying saucer that isn’t released to the public that’s been reverse engineered, according to former Area 51 scientist .
2. Other Technology
Area 51 is located within close proximity of the proving grounds where hundreds of nuclears bombs were detonated. Night would turn to daytime, due to the brightness of the explosions here. It seems clear that experimental aircraft isn’t the only thing tested in this area. It’s possible the government wanted a new type of energy that would allow them to reach far beyond our solar system. Robert Lazar also claims that using anti gravity could lead to time travel or even an infinate energy source. Could anti gravitational power have been discovered in Roswell and then tested here? Other theories include testing weather control and chemtrails here.
1.What are They Hiding
So what’s really going on here? Maybe we can get a closer look from google maps. Ah what is this flying saucer? Do you think is a joke google maps!!! Ok looks like we can’t get a street view of Area 51 but after looking closely on google maps, we can tell it’s certainly a large facility with plenty of cars, passenger aircraft, helicopters, and long runways. However some claim that the real hangers with the advanced aircraft are actually camouflaged with the mountain over the top and you can’t spot them with the satellite, kinda like in this photo. Many claim that the reason area 51 isn’t completely censored on google maps is because the vast majority of the base still lies underground. The basic above ground base is simply just a front for the vast complex of tunnels, storage facilities and laboratories. Some claim that the laboratories below ground, store extraterrestrial bodies in things that look like fish tanks like we see in this photo . It could very possible that the reason this place is so secretive is because we humans are safer that way. The extraterrestrials we could have made contact with could be so advanced that if we release to the public information about them, all humans would be at risk of complete destruction. Maybe it’s the aliens cont rolling the disclosure and not us!
-Celestial Eternity
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