10 Times Athletes Were CAUGHT Cheating
10 Best Lists 10 Times Athletes Were CAUGHT Cheating
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10 times athletes got caught cheating on live tv!
Hey guys and welcome back to 10 Best Lists today we are looking at some of the most controversial sport cheating caught on live tv.
At number 10 we have the goalkeeper Marwin Hitz who plays for Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga. There is no valid reason for him doing what he did other than to prevent the other team from scoring. Whilst he thought nobody was looking, he decided to try damage the penalty area in hope that it would cause the ball to spin away from the goal. Unfortunately the referee along with hundreds of crowd members noticed this straight away! Afterall, be wasn’t being very discrete. Thankfully he was caught and charged. Maybe he forgot that everything nowadays is on camera… It’s a shame the opposition missed though it would have been really satisfying to see his plan failed.
Like and comment down below if you think he should’ve been punished more!
Now at number 9 we have Paul Millsap who is an American professional basketball player for the Denver Nuggets of the National Basketball Association. He’s about to take a penalty in Basketball when he notices something wrong with the ball. this guy isn’t really the victim here but the last guy who touched the ball is. Someone had used stickum, which is a sticky substance used for a better grip for handling the ball. Dwight Howard was the guy in the game who had used it. He even admitted of using the substance on twitter. It makes you wonder how much cheating actually goes on in the game as Dwight Howard wouldn’t have been caught if Paul Millsap hadn’t have said something.
At number 8 we have Joe Niekro who was an American Baseball player. Umpires kick him from this game after a foreign substance comes out of his back pocket. This foreign substance was a file, aimed to be used to scuff the baseball. scuffing a baseball alters the wind resistance on it as it's thrown, thus causing it to break differently than normal in order to confuse batters. Niekro was found to have this emery board in his pocket which he claimed was just to file his nails so he could throw a knuckleball better, but as you can imagine, the umpires weren't fooled.
You can easily see him throw it out of his pocket! ( https://youtu.be/MzxrKO-yVV8?t=62 )
What do you think? Do you think he was actually using it for his nails? Let us know in the comments down below!
At number 7 we have a famous and one of the most controversial fights between Luis Resto and Billy Collins Jr. As the fight goes on you can see that Billy Collins is taking an absolute beating and says throughout the fight to his coach that Resto is ‘stronger than he thought’. At the end of the fight as Billy Collins is left with a bruised, enflamed face – Luis Resto inevitably wins. However… whilst they are shaking hands and being congratulated somebody holds onto Luis Resto’s gloves in suspicion… ( https://youtu.be/EMidc-_usZs?t=240 ). He calls for a referee as he is in shock and belief. It turns out that the gloves he had used had previously been tampered with and the padding had been removed. No wonder Billy Collins got beaten up so badly…
Now this next one is just stupid, at number 6 we have Rosie Ruiz who was one of the most person talked about in 1980. She was known for cheating the marathon, she crossed the finish line without showing any signs of fatigue after a 2 hours and 30 minute run. So as you can imagine people were very suspicious... Later on, they determined she had taken the subway for a shortcut. But was never jailed or charged because they never knew how she did it. This angered a lot of people and to this day some people are still trying to prove how she cheated.
What do you guys think? Is it possible to run for a whole 2 hours and 30 minutes without showing ANY signs of fatigue? I don’t think so…