10 Times Disney Stole From Other Movies
These Disney Movies Were Stolen...
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Everyone grows up on Disney. The Walt Disney Company has the best characters, the best songs, and the best storylines. But what if we told you that Disney had a reputation of stealing ideas from writers, staff members, and competitors? Would it change the fact that Disney is king? Or would you side with the production company and believe its executives when they say, "It's just a big coincidence?" Although we're certain that Disney doesn't solely rip-off the ideas of others, we can't deny the facts.
Disney stole, if not borrowed, storylines from movies that had already been published ahead of time. Disney's sneaky reputation has not backfired on them just yet, but with people claiming that movies like "Aladdin," "The Lion King," and "Zootopia" are the products of idea-theft, Disney could be making more enemies than allies. Tune into TheThings as we reveal the 10 times Disney stole from other movies.
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