10 Wild Animals Defending Their Children
10 Wild Animals Defending Their Children
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Motherly instinct is not only limited to feeding and caring for the young, it also involves defending them from harm. In the animal kingdom, having the ability to defend your progeny can mean either the death or the survival of a species, hence even the most unlikeliest of animals turn to fierce protectors especially when their young is in danger. Let’s take a look at some of these protective mothers shall we?
Here are 10 wild animals protecting their children.
Number 10. Moose
Their goofy faces make moose look comically funny. But believe you me, these animals are very dangerous and shows the kind of aggression that you won’t expect from them, and that’s on a normal day. All of the gets multiplied exponentially when defending their young.
In the first clip is a mother moose desperately trying to stave off a pack of wolves, who seemed to have targeted its young calf. Despite being a lone protector, mama moose is doing a good job keeping the wolves at bay, using her fierce kicks.
It’s not only wolves that the moose intimidates. Even the mighty grizzly bear knows not to mess with a mother moose with calves, as this next clip proves. A lone grizzly bear can be seen stalking a moose with two calves, clearly looking for an opportunity to snatch at least one of the babies. But mama moose would have none of that nonsense. As soon as she notices the stalker, she turns around and charges at the bear. Clearly wanting to avoid a painful encounter and possibly an injury, the big bear ran away as quickly as it could.
Number 9. Giraffe
The tall and lanky giraffe may not look like a formidable defender, but those long, spindly legs are actually unassumingly dangerous. These guys have very powerful kicks that are strong enough to bring down a lion with one solid blow. In fact, there has even been a documented case of a giraffe decapitating one lion with one well placed kick.
While there are no decapitating kicks in this video, what you are about to see is equally amazing. Let’s start off with this giraffe mom defending her baby from a lioness. One if the baby’s legs appears to be broken, probably from trying to run away from the lioness. But what’s really amazing about this clip is the way the mother giraffe is trying to scare the lioness off; not with her formidable kicks, but with her roar.
Listen closely to the clip, that’s not the lion you hear roaring, it’s actually the giraffe, trying to intimidate the lion enough for it to just give up and walk away. But I know you want to see some strong kicking action so here a pretty graphic one. With just looking at how those kicks landed, you can be sure that the lioness at the receiving end will not walk away without injuries.
Number 8. Southern Lapwing
So far we’ve seen a couple of large animals defending their young from other large animals. This time, we’ll be looking at a tiny bird defending her offspring from one big, but unlikely opponent.
The Southern lapwing is native to South America and is actually the national bird of Uruguay, where it is called Tero. They are extremely bold and pugnacious, and don’t seem to back down from any opponent. So much so that the bird became the name and the mascot of the Uruguay national rugby union team, the Los Teros. Here’s a clip showing how brave this bird actually is.
Lapwings usually build nests on the ground, making the eggs and chicks prone to many predators. But here, it’s defending its eggs, not from another animal, but from a giant tractor of all things. I’m pretty sure that the driver wasn’t purposely trying to run the poor bird over, he wouldn’t have set the camera if that’s the case, he was just trying to show everybody how brave the little bird is.
Other birds will quickly fly away when a speeding vehicle approaches, but this nesting mother spread her wings to shield her precious eggs from the tractor. Not that it would do any good when being crushed by heavy machinery, but it only shows the unflinching bravery of the southern lapwing.
Number 7. Orinoco Crocodile
The Orinoco crocodile is one of the most endangered reptile species in the world. The latest estimates peg their numbers to be no more than 250 individuals out in the wild, making them perfect candidates for conservation programs.
And there currently are efforts being done to increase their numbers out in the wild.