100% of Students FAILED!? Noone was Able to Pass this Analysis 2 Exam!
Wanna send me your hard exams? Here you go: [email protected]
English Exam: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340437862_Series_1
Original: https://docdro.id/zJKMNAW
Mentioned Series: https://youtu.be/ceHbsnl9s-Y
eBic integral: https://youtu.be/g8TWM-FCEgU
Today we start a new series! We will explore extremely "hard" exams in the next time with the property, that almost everyone failed it! In our case, ALL mathematics students taking Analysis 2 in 2005 failed this exam! It ranges from Banach spaces, Fourier Analysis all over to Multivariable Calculus and Classical analysis in general! Enjoy the video and if it was really to your liking, make sure to share it around such that it gains a lot of attention! =) Love ya guys, thank you for 100k subs! =D
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