In the second episode, 11 TOP TIPS TO LEARN A LANGUAGE, I will share all the best tips and tricks to learn a new language in the comfort of your home. I used these techniques to learn and become fluent in English before moving to Canada. And anyone can use them to learn a foreign language too.
#theirisproject #liveaudaciously
Here are my 11 most useful tips for learning a new language.
00:40 Watch movies with the foreign language subtitles
02:53 Watch Youtube with closed captions in the language that you want to learn
04:06 Imitate! Be an actor
05:30 Pro-tip for English learner & movie lovers
6:30 Listen to podcasts, audio-books in the foreign language
07:07 Read books out loud
08:02 Sing out loud! Be a singer
09:00 Write journals in that language
09:27 Talk to yourself in the new language
09:55 Challenge yourself to learn one new word/ phrase every day
10:56 Learn new words with melodies
12:10 Exchange languages
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The Iris Project is about sharing experiences and lessons that I've learned from pursuing my dream life. Growing up in a small town from a developing country, I had a burning desire to live abroad and travel the world. At the time, I had no money, so I maintained my minimalist lifestyle and saved money diligently to make my dream come true. In 2018, I took the leap, withdrew all my savings and moved to Canada alone. I started to rebuild my life from the beginning.
In this channel, you will discover the best tips and habits I've used to build my strengths - financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you want to improve yourself, build your inner strengths, and challenge yourself to live a fulfilled life, then this channel is for you.
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