11-Year-Old Chess Prodigy Wins Brilliancy - Top 10 of the 1990s - Passov vs. Sammour-Hasbun, 1991
Bobby Fischer's "Game of the Century" is often cited as the best chess game by prodigy, but have you seen this masterpiece by the 11-year-old Jorge Sammour-Hasbun? Don't miss the magnificent king hunt and glorious concluding checkmate!
* Every junior should know their Italian Game theory.
* When your opponent's king is caught in the center, open lines as soon as possible. E.g. 11...e3! and 12...e3!
* King hunts are about calculation, calculation, calculation. Sacrifice everything for mate.
Photo and blogs about Sammour-Hasbun from Mark Ginsburg: https://nezhmet.wordpress.com/tag/jorge-sammour-hasbun/
#chess #kinghunt #chessprodigy
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