12 Smart DIY Cleaning Ideas and Crazy Household Hacks That Actually Work!
12 Smart DIY Cleaning Ideas and Crazy Household Hacks That Actually Work!
When was the last time you did some serious household cleaning? We gathered a bunch of crazy DIY ideas to help you do that. And trust us—while these household hacks look crazy, they actually work! Learn how to make a vacuum backpack, how you can use an umbrella in your home, or a secret trick to washing potatoes!
00:00 Clean Yoga Mat
01:02 Vacuum Backpack
01:48 Towel Floor Mop
03:00 Baking Powder Cleaner
03:41 Umbrella Against Oil
04:20 Vacuum Cleaner
05:17 Wash Potatoes
06:04 Laundry Hoop
07:24 Toilet Cleaning Bombs
08:32 Soap Within Sponge
09:38 Clean Fridge Sheet
10:28 Shower Phone Hooks
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#CleaningHacks #HouseholdHacks #SmartHacks