12th Physics Paper Reaction & Analysis (EPIC) - CBSE | Kalpit Veerwal
Link of AcadBoost JEE 2020 Crash Course website (to buy the course and view it) - https://acadboostcourse.spayee.com/
Playlist of samples - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLov4plO0eW9omQ-i0OqEw5GGtA2q9PNHz
Please read instructions carefully and follow them to have smooth viewing experience. Please watch all samples and make an informed decision. Sample for Absolute Madlad is in the course itself - you can preview it.
Pre Register for the 11th Revision course on AcadBoost here (useful for 12th students who are not confident with 11th, and even for those who want a quick revision inspite of good prep): https://forms.gle/Kz6UDywML1BMmR798
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