15 Moments Caught on Camera, No One Believes It
15 Moments Caught on Camera, No One Believes It
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15 Moments Caught on Camera, No One Believes It
They say it takes seeing to believe, and that exactly the case in the collection of unbelievable moments
that we have today. Keep your eyes open especially for number one, that one is a doozy. Let’s cut to the
chase and get right on it, here are 15 unbelievable moments caught on camera
Double Crane Fail
When lifting heavy objects, it’s imperative that you do it on stable ground. That’s the reason why you
don’t see powerlifters do their thing on Newtonian Fluids. With that premise in mind, you’ll see that
what happened in this first clip was inevitable.
In this clip, two cranes are lifting a section of bridge in the Netherlands. A tricky job, but pretty much
straightforward. The thing is, the engineers behind this debacle seemed to ignore the stable ground rule
that we’ve established earlier. You see, the two cranes, lifting a multi-toned section of bridge, were
standing on barges floating on water.
The two toppled over, along with the section of the bridge they were lifting, onto the buildings on the
side when one of the corners of the barge dipped, upsetting the center of gravity of one of the cranes.
Fortunately, there were no people inside the buildings when the section of bridge, and both cranes, fell
on top of them. Investigators who examined the aftermath said that given the method of lifting used,
what happened was inevitable.
Under Snow and Ice
If you think your daily commute was stressful, wait till you see this. This guy was driving along Interstate
70 one Sunday morning when he came across the unexpected. A sudden avalanche hurled down the
mountain side, burying everything on its path, including all lanes of the highway.
On the video, it looks as if the cars ahead were buried under the white snow, but I’m happy to report
that no one got hurt in this incident. What we got instead is this piece of unbelievable footage.
Watch Where You Step
We’ve seen a lot of videos on YouTube of people who were too busy using their phones to look at where
they were going, oftentimes with hilarious repercussions. The same thing happened to this poor woman
in China, but instead of the ending being funny, it could easily have been tragic.
This woman was just walking along on the sidewalk, talking on her phone, minding her own business,
when all of a sudden a sinkhole opened up from beneath her feet, plunging her down 19 feet below the
sidewalk. Fortunately, a passing taxi driver saw what happened, and immediately came to her aid. He
climbed down the hole where he found the woman unconscious. She stayed by her until she became
conscious, and waited with her until rescuers arrived.
Giant Squid in US Waters
Giant squids were once thought to be mythical creatures which gave rise to the Kraken of legend. Now
we know that they actually exist, but everything we know about them comes from carcasses washed on
shore. They were finally caught on film in Japan, giving us rare insight on how they behave out in the
But just recently, one was also caught on camera in US waters, giving us an idea on how far ranging
these creatures actually are. The NOA funded expedition caught a glimpse of a giant squid in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was caught by a camera mounted onto a submersible the scientists were using, and the
appearance of the squid totally caught them by surprise. This is the first ever giant squid filmed in US
Paraglider Vs. Dust Devil
A dust devil is a small and often short lived whirlwind. They aren’t considered extremely dangerous but
in the right, or in this case, wrong circumstances, it poses much more of a danger than anybody would
In the video, a man preparing his paragliding gear with a few other people on a popular launch spot in
Australia, when a dust devil suddenly formed. Filmed by the man’s wife, the dust devil is seen sweeping
up the paraglider, sending him swirling uncontrollably into the air. Other pilots watched in horror before
scrambling to secure the launch mats from the destructive dust devil.
The man appears to remain calm throughout the terrifying ride, and eventually regains control of the
glider despite the surprise take off. If it weren’t for his presence of mind, the dust devil could have easily
thrown him off the cliff.