175 - Ravi Abuvala - Leads aren't your problem … it’s your system
You don’t hear Luke say it, but as soon as we stopped recording our interview with Ravi Abuvala he proclaimed, “That was incredible. This is one of our best five interviews.”
We completely agree because Ravi doesn’t just spout platitudes. He gives real answers to real questions like how much should I spend on Facebook ads?
Ravi was all set to go to his pick of top law schools when he decided becoming a lawyer wasn’t what he wanted to do. Instead, he started his own business, Scaling with Systems, to help entrepreneurs scale their business and systematize their lead generation process. And he’s been outrageously successful doing it.
You can’t help but be impressed by this guy if only because he’s tremendously skilled, generous, and living the kind of life we want for all our ReminderMedia clients. Plus, we fell in love with his daily routine.
We hope you get as much out of our interview with Ravi as we did.
[2:40] Overview
[5:07] Ravi builds his lead generation business
[8:40] Two Golden Nuggets: Mindset and assistants
[10:44] Elimination, delegation, checks, and balances
[13:27] How great leadership functions
[16:37] The real challenge facing lead generation can be solved by ISAs
[21:36] How to use Facebook ads correctly
[28:20] Ravi’s business response to COVID-19
[32:28] Exploring the cost and ROI of Facebook ads
[38:04] Sound advice about how to spend your time
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