2019 WWE Title Changes July-December (No 24/7 Title)
You can find the title changes from the first part of the year on the channel or in the title history playlist.
No 24/7 title changes because it's a pointless titles, a ton of the title changes don't even take place on tv and it will make the videos way too long.
I took the original video down to fix some mistakes. I honestly hate doing these videos. But it's not because of the videos themselves, it's because there are so many moving parts involved. So many title changes to keep track off. So much information that needs to be documented. It's just a lot. Mistakes always happen and it's a lot to deal with.
2020 is here. I hope I can just keep plugging away. My wrestling moves for the win channel got taken down. I think it's because of some AJPW footage. Hopefully I don't have anything issues.