2020 Dog Valley Precision Challenge | Precision Rifle Match | NRL
As part of NRL's 2020 Season of national-level, centerfire precision rifle matches, the 2020 Dog Valley Precision Challenge took place June 5-7, 2020. Match director Cole Quarnberg hosted this precision rifle match on a private range in Nehpi, Utah.
Follow a group of competitors during the match and see who comes out on top!
Huge Supporters of NRL - 00:15
DVPC Intro - 00:29
Vortex Optics Ad - 01:32
H-S Precision Ad - 01:46
NRL Ad - 02:02
Day 1 - 03:01
Phillip Velayo & Payton Grimes - 03:13
STAGE 19 - 04:02
Will Ormes - 06:00
STAGE 1 - 08:01
Wade & Rachel Grimes - 10:18
STAGE 2 - 11:09
Noel Putnam - 14:59
Phillip Velayo - 15:34
STAGE 9 - 17:12
Geoff Tyndall - 18:24
Cole-TAC Ad - 19:10
NRL22 Ad - 19:25
Day 2 - 20:18
STAGE 14 - 20:25
Payton Grimes & Phillip Velayo - 21:32
Erik Severson - 22:28
Will Ormes - 23:21
STAGE 15 - 24:19
STAGE 16 - 26:15
Geoff Tyndall - 27:29
Awards - 28:02
Wrap up - 32:49
Sponsors - 33:34
For a list of upcoming matches, visit: http://nationalrifleleague.org/matches/
ABOUT NRL: NRL is the premier precision rifle advocacy & support organization. We are a non-profit engine of impacts that empowers organizations and athletes in precision rifle by providing education and opportunities for growth. For more information, please visit: https://nationalrifleleague.org/
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