2020 Top 10 Recap - Tuesday Newsday
This year did not unfold the way we anticipated. Watch as Bill, and sometimes Drex, breakdown health IT news and Covid-19 begins, surges, and continues. Look back on our predictions -- some very accurate and others ... not so much -- and remember the progress we made as an industry. From scaling telehealth, to adapting new regulations, to a boom in digital transformation, let's recap what went on and how we got here.
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The countdown:
#10 - February 11, 2020: Iowa Caucus, Epic Scrutiny, Next in AI and More
#9 - February 14, 2020: Merger Effectiveness, Prescribing Apps and more
#8 - January 7, 2020: Healthcare Predictions for 2020
#7 - February 4, 2020: Azar, Apple, Microsoft respond to Epic, Google's Defense, Azure's Security Hole
#6 - February 25, 2020: Why Digital Health Lags, and Dr. Rucker Sounds Off
#5 - January 27, 2020: Judy's Letter
#4 - March 3, 2020: Drex and I discuss Trump, HIMSS, and Epic
#3 - July 28, 2020: Telemedicine Revolution Deferred - Really? with Drex DeFord
#2 - February 17, 2020: Healthcare Suffers Because Health IT is Lagging. We Can Do Better.
#1 - June 15, 2020: 10 stories in 20 minutes
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