2021 Top 5 Best Pick and Roll Scorers | Point Guard Edition
Today we'll be breaking down the top 5 best pick and roll scorers in the league. And for all you Golden State fans, Steph Curry will not be on this list because he hasn’t used the pick and roll enough this year to be eligible. But he definitely would've been somewhere at the top. The players need to play at least 40 games this season, have a pick and roll frequency of at least 40% and they have to have at least 6 pick and roll possessions per game to qualify. So with these filters in place, and if we just take the top 5 players who have the highest scoring frequency. These are the players that popped up, however I wasn’t happy with the list. So I meticulously rearranged the order and created my own top 5. Because being the best pick-n-roll scorer isn’t just about scoring frequency, but it is a good foundation to start with.
What I’m looking for is a combination of efficiency, volume of shooting and how the defence play them and based off these three things, the 5th best pick and roll scorer on my list is...
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