21 October Current Affairs - Top 10 Questions of the day || JKSSB Class IV & Panchayat Account Asst
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Current Affairs link : https://jklatestinfo.com/current-affair/current-affairs-21-october-2020/
1st Target - Video aapke liye helpful ho.
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JKSSB Class IV Vinod book :
JKSSB CLASS IV VACANCY Affinity BOOK : https://amzn.to/2ACq3cS
Arihant J&k gk book - https://amzn.to/3eJfTWB
Lucent gk Book - https://amzn.to/2CIwGLp
JKSSB Matric level post mcq book : https://amzn.to/3il1X7o
Reasoning book - https://amzn.to/2BMweLJ
Mathematics book - https://amzn.to/31rKJ2s
Direction sense ( part 1) : https://youtu.be/DCRJqNWWRaI
Direction sense (part 2) :
Direction sense (part3) : https://youtu.be/GZck3wPQz-M
Coding decoding (part 1) : https://youtu.be/zs0q2jlytJw
Coding decoding (part 2) : https://youtu.be/Pq_3ASRxZpo
Venn diagram (part1) :
Venn diagram (part2) :
Blood Relation part 1 : https://youtu.be/SJF4aNzQLes
Number series part 1 :
Figure series completion :
Apply for domicile : https://youtu.be/iFppupQwPZU
Jammu Tour :- https://youtu.be/GFDG-TBBIhk
Internet scam in J&k : https://youtu.be/i6KiUloQbdQ
3 T-shirts @599 only : https://amzn.to/2ANCQta
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J&K Domicile Certificate detail - https://youtu.be/dy7KvIrGiVs
In our channel, you will get all the videos related to Reasoning, General Science, General Awareness/General knowledge (History, polity, geography,static gk, economy), Aptitude as well as LATEST JOB UPDATES. The videos will help you achieve your goal. This video is dedicated to the students of Jammu and Kashmir. You can crack various exams like JKSSB, JKPSC, Constable in Jammu and Kashmir Police Exam, JKP SI Exam, Jk Secretariat exams, JK phe department exams, JK Bank po Exam, jk banking associates Exam, class iv vacancies, jk bose junior assistant Exam, panchayat accounts assistant exam.
This video is dedicated to all the students of Jammu and Kashmir.
I've discussed some tricks to solve the questions related to Direction questions.
Start preparation for various competitive examinations.
We need your support, share these videos.
This channel is yours, we are working for you.
Content includes :
This video is dedicated to the students of Jammu and Kashmir.
You can crack various exams like JKSSB, JKPSC, Constable in Jammu and Kashmir Police Exam, JKP SI Exam, Jk Secretariat exams, JK phe department exams, JK Bank po Exam, jk banking associates Exam, jk bose junior assistant Exam, panchayat accounts assistant exam.
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#currentaffairs #october #quiz
#questions #tricks #classiv #vacancy
#jkssb #jkpsc #jkbank #exam #preparation #reasoning #hindi #jkssbmath