25 Largest Countries by Area | Top Largest 25 Countries | Country size comparison | Everyday TV
#25largestcountriesbyarea #toplargest25countriesbyarea #everyday tv
This video comprises 25 largest countries in world by area. The list of countries is as follows:
25. South Africa,
24. Mali,
23. Angola,
22. Niger,
21. Chad,
20. Peru,
19. Mangolia,
18. Iran,
17. Libya,
16. Sudan,
15. Indonesia,
14. Mexico,
13. Saudi Arabia,
12. Denmar,
11. Democratic Republic of Congo,
10. Algeria,
9. Kazakhstan,
8. Argentina,
7. India,
6. Australia,
5. Brazil,
4. United States of America (USA),
3. China,
2. Canada,
1. Russia,
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