25 Things Miles Morales Can Do That Peter Parker Can't
Will Miles be the best Spider-Man?
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His name is Miles Morales. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. He has some skills Peter didn’t… and we’ll tell you the rest. Never forget: Anyone can wear the mask. Peter Parker doesn’t have it all. In fact the relatively new Spider-man Miles Morales may have the upper hand when you start to go deep. Besides his powers, there are things in his life and affects in real life that our OG webhead will never be able to do so lets rapid fire breakdown what Miles has over Spidey classic.
0:00 Intro
0:52 Invisibility
1:59 Spanish Speaker
2:31 Oscar Gold
3:05 Spider-Mentor
3:42 Kid From Brooklyn
3:59 Venom Strike
4:18 Energy Threads
4:58 Healing Abilities
5:43 Cool Kid
6:15 Super Spider-Sense
6:59 New Kid on the Block
7:53 Adaptable
8:27 Spider-Cat
8:38 Spray-Can Suit
9:20 Musical Tastes
9:48 Superhero Roommates
10:19 Guy in the Chair
10:50 Graffiti Artist
11:15 Youth
11:49 Immortal
12:21 Agent of SHIELD
12:53 Serious Face
13:24 New Stories
14:04 Underrepresented Youths
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Written by: Kareem Hassanien @Swellcameraguy
Narrated by: Grant Kellett @Gtalkstoomuch
Edited by: Zack S
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