3 Common Fountain Pen Problems and How to Fix Them
Is your fountain pen scratchy, inconsistent, or just not writing the way you’d like? We’ll go over some of the most common fountain pen problems and show you how to solve them.
For a detailed guide, check out our blog: https://to.jetpens.com/2HIHE6B
#fountainpenbeginner #fountainpenguide #fountainpendiy #commonnibproblems
▬▬ ✦ T I M E S T A M P S ✦ ▬▬
0:00 Start of video
0:19 Nib anatomy
1:03 Tools
1:28 How to fix scratchiness
1:40 Check tine alignment
2:26 Check for tip imperfections
2:57 Polish nib
3:50 How to fix poor ink flow
4:22 Check nib and feed alignment
5:24 Check nib slit
6:58 Check for baby’s bottom
7:29 How to Fix Excessive Ink Flow
7:44 Manage temperature
8:19 Check for air leak
8:39 Tighten tines
▬▬ ✦ R E L A T E D V I D E O S ✦ ▬▬
How to Clean a Fountain Pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF9IRI5WxXg
Fountain Pen Filling Systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNSOyoGlfug
How to Write with a Fountain Pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9mWKwXfF6s
How to Choose a Fountain Pen Nib https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxfCmLZyXXo
The Best Fountain Pens for Drawing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgoH-Kvq3ds
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