30 Year Age Gap Relationship Advice | Am I RUINING My Life?
#30yearagegaprelationshipadvice #howoldistooold #agegaprelationships
Hi Guys!!! So this morning Keith and I are discussing a question we received on whether or not we feel guilt or regret in choosing a partner we more than like won't "grow old with". Thanks for all the questions and keep them coming!
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Age difference: 30 years
State we live in: Louisiana
Wedding Date: September 25, 2020
SEO Booster
Filming Camera
Lighting Kit:
https://amzn.to/36220xD (good)
https://amzn.to/38v6mPN (better)
Editing Software:
Mailing Address:
PO Box 606
Harvey, LA 70059
***Affiliate links are included for products some have asked us about, IF you Choose to purchase anything via any of the links above our family does benefit minimally from it.***