64 Bits - Paper Zelda (A Crafted Parody)
Paper Mario... But it's Zelda!!
This should keep you going while we wait for a new Paper Mario and Breath of the Wild 2!
We put SO much love in this! And no sadly it's not a real game and it probably never will be (Nintendo, please take notes though!!) BUT you can still send it to your friends pretending it's real on April Fools ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We put in many different scenes from many different The Legend of Zelda games and from a lot of our favorite moments! Let us know your favorite one.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and if you want to do more consider supporting our hard work on https://www.patreon.com/64bits so one day we can work on these videos full time!
Video by:
Niels Beekes, Ryan van der Gouw & Niels Koper
Awesome Animators/Designers:
Tyka Beumers: https://www.instagram.com/tikachuu07
Bo van Gemert: https://twitter.com/DefinitelyNami
Awesome interns:
Menno Hageman: https://twitter.com/Astroidtbh
Tim van den Berg: https://twitter.com/TimDrawsStuff
PATREON (get your name in the credits as well and other perks!):
DISCORD (come hang out and chat, but also share your art, heck even your memes! We don't judge!)
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/64bitsanimation
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/64BitsAnimation
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/64bitsanimation (We're live 3x a week! Follow us and come hang out!)
EMAIL: [email protected]
Music by 64 Bits: find it for free on https://www.patreon.com/64bits (No Patronage needed, post is public)
From the whole team: Thank you for watching!
Be sure to THUMBS up that bad boy and share! And subscribe for more!