7 Action Figures That Might Actually Be DOLLS | SYFY WIRE
Tom Neff, resident SYFY WIRE toy boy, is fed up with bullies calling his manly action figures DOLLS. But WAIT...what if the bullies are right? What if he's been living a lie and his Hot Toy 1:6 scale Deadpool is a doll after all? Are LJN Wrestling Figures dolls? Is She-Ra an action figure? What is the difference between a DOLL and an action figure anyway? Does it even matter? All of these extremely important questions that cut to core of our toy-loving souls will be definitively answered as TOYMASTERS unboxes, analyses and determines if your favorite toys are actually dolls or action figures.
Featuring: Rare vintage G.I. Joes, Mego, LJN WWF figures, Hulk Hogan, Rey & Kylo Ren, She-Ra Princess of Power, He-Man, Masters of the Universe, DC SUper Hero Girls
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7 Action Figures That Might Actually Be DOLLS | SYFY WIRE