Welcome to the Seven Days of NCLEX Review with Regina MSN, RN premiering tonight at 8 PM EST and at 11 AM EST on New Years Day! The NCLEX Virtual Trainer sale now through January 1st at http://www.ReMarNurse.com
Order now and save $180 off your NCLEX Virtual Trainer package while supplies last and get your 3-months online training access, Virtual Trainer student workbook, Quick Facts for NCLEX, and step-by-step daily study calendar to help you pass NCLEX!
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ReMar Review features weekly NCLEX review questions and lectures from Regina M. Callion MSN, RN. ReMar is the #1 content-based NCLEX review and has helped thousands of repeat-testers pass NCLEX with a 99.2% student success rate!
ReMar focuses on 100% core nursing content and as a result has the best review to help nursing students to pass boards - fast!