7 MIUI Settings You Should Change Right Now!
MIUI 11 brought a number of cool new features but when we were using the Poco X2 for our full review, we came across a number of cool, useful and important MIUI settings that really enhance the experience.
Well, in this video, we show you 7 MIUI settings you should be changing right away on your Redmi, Mi or Poco smartphone.
Check out more cool MIUI settings in our detailed article: https://beebom.com/miui-settings-you-should-change-right-now/
MIUI Launcher Alpha Build: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/xiaomi-inc/miui-launcher/miui-launcher-alpha-4-16-0-1555-02281544-release/
How to Disable Ads in MIUI 11: https://beebom.com/disable-ads-bloatware-push-notifications-miui-11/
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