7 Resume Mistakes To Avoid in 2020 (+ Resume tips you need to fix them!)
Major resume mistakes you need to avoid! If you're wondering how to write a resume in 2020, make sure you don't make these classic resume errors! We'll cover the biggest and most common resume writing mistakes out there.
⚡Killer Resume Cheat Sheet: http://bit.ly/KillerResumeCheatsheet
Your resume is your personal marketing pitch and a key tool for impressing recruiters and hiring managers, landing jobs, internships, master programmes and scholarships. Yet people often make HUGE mistakes on their resume that can totally cost them the interview!
A recruiter spends on average just 7 SECONDS scanning each resume. Snap them out of their trance, catch their interest and draw them in to learn more. Whether it’s an online job application or a network/referral, you want them to say wow :)
In covering these top resume mistakes, you will learn:
- how not to write a resume / CV
- key resume writing mistakes keeping you stuck
- what not to include on resume / CV
- how to fix your resume / CV
- what not to put on a resume and resume mistakes examples
If you have any questions about resume errors or modern resume tips in general, please ask away in the comments!
Stay badass,